Many people know how to write and also are able to follow up a conversation but when it comes to expressing themselves it becomes hard. Speaking English is like learning our native language. We first listen, speak then we write. But it’s possible to find a majority who can listen and write English but speaking can seem very hard. People who feel like they cannot express themselves in English tend to shy away from a crowd especially if the crowd is communicating in English. They would rather be on their own or choose to talk their native language. It is possible to improve English speaking and below there are useful tips on how to do that.
It is appropriate you find an English partner who is a native speaker to learn real english with. If you have a friend who is a native speaker then you can always have a conversation with the person, but if you do not have, you can enroll in a school that teaches English or get yourself a tutor to train you. Tutors can be found on various platforms like Skype or Google Hangouts. When you get one, take that chance and improve your English speaking.
Try balancing, listen and learn how to speak english as well. When you find someone to practice with, you can always ask questions amid conversations to make the conversation continue and flow. If perhaps you run out of what to say, you can always turn back the question to your friend and by doing that you have something to talk about. It is vital to also record your conversation. When you are alone, you have the opportune time to listen to your recording and notice the areas that need improvement.
Another way to improve your English speaking is by surrounding yourself with the English language. You can do this by watching movies or TV stations that bring programs in the English language. Make it a habit and you will eventually find yourself understanding the words and knowing how to pronounce them. Listening helps you become familiar with how words and the tones they are mentioned in. You can also read out aloud if you do not have a conversation partner. You will be able to pay keen attention to how you pronounce certain words and how you pace them. It’s also advisable to talk to oneself and this is one of the best ways to practice speaking English. If you are experiencing problems with speaking the English language, the above tips will be useful and you can find a way to improve English speaking. Get to know more information here: https://www.britannica.com/topic/language.